Try e-captcha for free
Protect your privacy and still keep captcha fun by signing up to e-captcha. You can try our services for a limited period of 7 days for free. During the trial period, you have the same features as paid customers do. You can select any of the supported languages, decide what type of captcha you use eg. word captcha, math captha or mosaic captcha and customize the theme best matching your business profile. All of these features are available to you for free. During the trial period, you can use e-captcha for free, limited to one domain only. Once the trial period expired, the free service cannot be applied to the same domain name again. In order to continue using e-captcha, you need to become a subscriber. The subscription to the basic package costs $8 a month. This subscription fee includes a customizable captcha package valid for a single domain, with a maximum of 10,000 captcha displays a month. You can select the language, the captcha type and theme. These captcha features can be changed any time by logging in into your account.